The purpose of our administrative services is to provide the level of information your board needs to make sound business decisions. Our philosophy is that the better the data we provide to our clients, the better they are able to choose the best course of action for their community.

Our experience has also taught us the value of ongoing, two-way communications. We not only stay in contact with your board, we also promote open communications with your residents through newsletters, bulletins, access to your association website, and an on-call, 24 hour emergency service.

Standard Administrative Services

  • All clerical services including and not limited to preparation of notices, correspondence to owners, related professionals, service providers, etc.
  • Maintain and track through computer software the enforcement of association policies, violations, ADR Hearing Procedures, fining, compliance dates, etc.
  • Prepare monthly management reports inclusive of an Agenda, all correspondence, minutes, sales activity, maintenance service requests, etc.
  • Prepare monthly newsletters.
  • Prepare all related documents in accordance with provisions of the master deed and by-laws to properly conduct the annual meeting / election process.
  • Review as required association governing documents to ensure compliance with operating practices to advise the board of required procedures.
  • Attend monthly board meetings to report on association business affairs and prepare minutes.
  • Maintain a professional relationship with association legal counsel and assist in all legal matters, including and not limited to court appearances, depositions, expert testimony, etc.
  • Maintain your association‘s financial records and make them available to board members, related professionals.
  • Prepare bid specifications for services and provide professional recommendations.
  • Review and procure all insurance coverage including and not limited to Property, General Liability, Directors & Officers, Umbrella Coverage, Worker’s Comp, DIC, etc.
  • Process and coordinate all claims parallel to the insurance agent and underwriter.
  • Provide 24/7 Emergency Services

Talk to us about what your association needs and expects in Administrative Services. Call 201-947-1001 or email us today.