We ensure that your association’s rules, regulations and by-laws are adhered to with a proven approach that combines effective communications, a fair but stern non-compliance procedure and the support of enforcement efforts by the board and resident committees.

Our management personnel works with your association staff, Covenants Committee and property administrator to implement an effective compliance system and track its results.

It is our policy to serve proper notice of rules infractions to individual unit owners and/or residents in a professional and confidential manner, and to assess any applicable penalties and fines through monthly invoicing.

Assuring homeowner adherence to your architectural guidelines is another vital part of our services. Our dedication to maintaining the lifestyle your residents expect and to help increase the value of their homes guides our oversight of all property modification requests.

Whenever a variance to the architectural guidelines presents itself, we will provide you with the full scope of information needed to make an informed decision on either approval or denial.

Premier’s CCR software enables us to keep an ongoing record of:

  • The status of every violation of your association’s CCR (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) attributed to any unit or owner
  • Details of any violation in both text and digital photos
  • Payment of fines
  • Compliance
  • ARD hearings
  • Legal action

The software also allows appropriate board members to obtain detailed violation reports for one owner or the entire community, with just a click.